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WHAT STYLE OF PROFESSIONAL COACHING DO YOU USE?We combine professional coaching techniques with psychological and therapeutic techniques to add speed, depth and sustainability. We deliberately call this ‘acceleration’ and it forms the basis of 'Networked Coaching™' and our people are called Untapped Accelerators (UAs).
HOW DO YOU ENSURE THE HIGH QUALITY OF YOUR COACHING AS YOU GROW?Our Networked Coachingâ„¢ methodology is EMCC (Global) accredited and our UAs include ICF certified coaches, registered therapists and occupational psychologists. They are highly skilled emotional intelligence experts, trained to accelerate self-development and enable the shifting of deep rooted mindsets and behaviours, which may be stifling performance and capacity to change. As Untapped. AI has responsibility for quality and psychological safety of the individuals on our platform, we have in our clinical supervision structure a rigorous quality control and monitoring framework. Our quality control system is delivered by highly qualified, experienced clinical supervisors (psychologists, psychotherapists, executive coaches) who lecture and train in their chosen fields.
DO YOU MATCH USERS TO ACCELERATORS (COACHES)?We will NOT match you to our UAs. Our highly experienced team of UAs can work with any user and we believe based on neuroscientific research that difference not similarity generates more fruitful and challenging interactions, increased self-awareness and the capacity to increase innovation and productivity. We continuously monitor the development of the working relationship through our intelligent platform and the supervisory relationship to ensure both outstanding quality and psychological safety.
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE AI? WHAT DOES YOUR AI MEASURE?Our AI acts as a third eye in the relationship between you and your UA, offering a different perspective, which is uncensored and unbiased. Our AI generates scores on seven core competencies which are crucial for strong leadership. These scores are known as the Untapped 7.
HOW DOES THE SELF-AWARENESS AI WORK?It recognises hidden patterns of behaviour across 7 core areas, using NLP (Natural Language Processing). The Untapped 7â„¢ is a series of characteristics identified, and based on latest research on how work works in the present, and the future trends, leadership, fast paced continuous change, and incorporates cutting edge developments in neuroscience and behavioural science. Our Untapped 7â„¢ insights are provided to you at regular intervals to help you track your progress. Your UA will use this to: help you understand the effect of this insight on your personal and professional life. challenge you to increase your self-awareness, fundamental to all innovation and self-development. to help you understand what is beneath your thoughts, emotions and behaviours so your decision making processes are clearer. to identify blindspots that are crucial to increasing awareness and evolving leadership capacities. to work more effectively and systemically in teams. We have built an intelligent platform. It learns and gets more intelligent the more data it gets fed. This enables us to offer an evolving and individually nuanced service.
WHERE DOES YOUR AI GET ITS DATA FROM?From the video consultations and messaging between a user and their accelerator. Our AI is natural-language processing based which can infer values, emotions and behaviour through the construction of sentences and word usage. Each AI reading is founded upon thousands of words and using data collected over time.
HOW DO YOU VALIDATE YOUR AI?Our AI is subject to continuous supervised learning, meaning that the model can be iterated and fine tuned and we use only the most trusted APIs.
HOW SECURE IS THE UNTAPPED AI PLATFORM? IS INDIVIDUAL DATA SHARED? HOW DO YOU ENSURE DATA PROTECTION? ARE YOU GDPR ETC COMPLIANT?Confidentiality is the bedrock of our service and is strictly between you and Untapped AI. We take your confidentiality very seriously as we work in depth to accelerate your self-development. Everything you share with your UA via your video consultations and in-app messaging is not shared with your organisation. It is our fundamental belief that your data belongs to you. It puts you in charge of responsibility for your development. All our UAs are GDPR trained and compliant. We operate a comprehensive data quality and safeguarding process which is overseen by our Head of Product and Quality.
DON’T THE ORGANISATIONAL INSIGHTS DEFEAT CONFIDENTIALITY?Your personal data is not shared with your organisation. The data we use to compile a Strategic Insight Report, is aggregated and meticulously anonymised, ensuring you cannot be identified. This is done in three ways: We ANONYMISE identifying references such as names, places, religions, dates and gender; We AGGREGATE key themes so NOTHING is ever identifiable to any one person; SAFEGUARDING your data is critical to our service, so we ensure any insights, content or segmentation does not identify any individual or groups of less than 50 people.
HOW IS DATA STORED? WHAT HAPPENS TO IT?All Data is centrally stored on AWS Cloud Services based on a system of Least Privilege Access where we grant users just the access they need in the AWS console, ECS instances, Database access. Untapped encrypts all data in transit and at rest. Data stored is accessible only within a Private VPC and within subnets that are not accessible from the public internet We log and monitor both authorized and unauthorized activity in AWS instances, associating all activity to an individual and report on both privileged activity and access. Access to these data services involves MFA. The Untapped App Stack, the MySQL Db is on a Private VPC. S3 is only publicly accessible to the VPC. The MongoDB is connected to using a Private VPC Peer Connection. The Untapped databases are not available on the public internet. Access to S3 (for storage of images such as profile photos/avatars) from the Untapped App Stack and access from the Untapped App Stack to MySQL Db within the Private VPC is via secure internal https encrypted sockets.
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